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Results (49 - 51 of 13985)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#940 fixed 0.5.0 RC: Talktext glitches while scrolling SF/khalek SF/logicdeluxe

ScummVM 0.4.2cvs Built on Jul 5 2003 00:28:03 This affects all games which display the text at the top of the screen. When the screen scrolls, only a few letters appear and stay there until a new line is said. You can reproduce it easily: For example start MM and try reading the bushes in front of the mansion and walk away while your person is still complaining. This also happens when you run away from Edna in the kitchen, where you have no chance in reading Edna's line at all, since it scrolls immediately etc.. It appeard some days ago, I think.

Ticket imported from: #766109. Ticket imported from: bugs/940.

#870 fixed 0.5.0 RC: ZAK: Bum does not take the book SF/hoenicke SF/desperatecry

At Miami arport, the bum does not take the "book of enligthenment". So you won't get his wiskey in return, which is necessary to get past the guard in London (Stonehenge). I encountered the same behaviour in the german version...



Ticket imported from: #752293. Ticket imported from: bugs/870.

#853 fixed 0.5.0 RC: ZAK: no return from cutscene in TPC shop SF/hoenicke SF/ge0rg

When you call the TPC shop and later hang up, or when you break through the floor to the secret room, the dumb alien guy from the TPC shop is shown as he hangs up / looks for the secret room, and the focus never returns to Zak - it is not possible to Esc this sequence.

I've used the enhanced (v2) german zak version and current CVS:

ScummVM 0.4.2cvs Built on Jun 7 2003 13:01:46

a save game is appended (either hang up the phone or use the rope to reproduce)

Ticket imported from: #750626. Ticket imported from: bugs/853.

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