Custom Query (13999 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 13999)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4644 invalid tfmx build error bluddy

TFMX is disabled with #defines by default, but scumm v4 file refers to tfmx without regard to the #define.

This prevents building.

Ticket imported from: #2872495. Ticket imported from: bugs/4644.

#7371 wontfix text speed should not be limited to 90 Kirben SF/bomm

When changing text speed with + and - keys it is not possible to make it as slow as I want. It is possible to select a very slow speed with the talkspeed keyword in the config file, but when I accidentally hit the - key, the speed will be set to the slowest value I can select with the keys.

I think the following code in scumm/scummvm.cpp is responsble for this:

} else if (_lastKeyHit == '-') { // - text speed down _defaultTalkDelay += 5; if (_defaultTalkDelay > 90) _defaultTalkDelay = 90;

I would like to have a much higher limit as I used values 200 or 300 in the config files for children who need much time for reading because they just learned to read.

A useful limit could be 500 or 1000.

A new key in the config file, e.g. maxtalkspeed=500, with the current limit of 90 as default value would be nice.


Ticket imported from: #952723. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/187.

#7193 text speed SF/ender SF/olki

It would really be nice to be able to adjust the text speed.

Ticket imported from: #481444. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/9.

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