Custom Query (14000 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11921 duplicate Zak McKracken Plane Scene Time elapses too fast to solve tasks bluegr Alex170375

ScummVM version 2.2.0

Zak McKracken: If you enter the Plane the first time, the flight ends in a very short time. There are only a few actions possible and you aren't able to solve the tasks in the Plane. Is there a way to slow down the Emulation?

ZackMcKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, V2/DOS/German Operating System macOS 10.15.7

Next, select the game in the 'Game' dropdown, and the game engine or other component in the 'Component' dropdown. Enter your text, and hit the button!

#11953 worksforme SCUMM: DOTT-DE: Gamespeed too fast eriktorbjorn Alex170375

ScummVM version 2.2.0

Day of the Tentacle: Hoagie has to use Ned's bed to attract the cat and grab the mouse. You can use the bed, the cat turns to the bed but moves away instantly to the mouse. Hoagie isn't able to take the mouse. The emulation has to be slowed down.

Day of the Tentacle, Floppy/DOS/German Operating System macOS 10.15.7

#13315 fixed Russian "Akella" version is not supported tag2015 Alexshvd

The game in '11th Hour\' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the groovie engine: 11h

{"disk.1", 0, "cbbc5f22d9deaed80f77192c00fb4f6d", 234},

Russian 3CD version

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