Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12532 PORTS: ANDROID: Mouse Cursor Snaps to Top Left Corner on Android 8.1.0 Device pending android touch mouse cursor snap top left lephilousophe defect normal
#11360 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - scrolling should be smooth (also a special cursor while loading data) new monkey island, scrolling, cursor, segacd, mi1 defect normal
#12717 ILLUSIONS: Duckman: SIGSEGV in startMoveActor() when clicking too early in the first scene new illusions,duckman,crash,actor,cursor defect normal
#13122 TITANIC: Starship Titanic Animations Lag new lag, cursor, movies defect normal
#15357 WII: SCUMM: Wrong colors for cursor objects in COMI on Wii new cursor defect normal
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.