Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#13659 AGS: Default "Game language" option in ScummVM does not override .cfg file new ags, language defect normal
#13557 AGS: PS3: Fatal "Unhandled 64-bit pointer result from plugin method call" with some games new AGS defect defect normal
#15228 AGS: Robert Redford 2: Sprite glitches [upstream bug] new ags defect normal
#13480 AGS: Support existing (Spanish) Fan Translations for AGDI (KQ2/KQ3/AlEmmo) and Infamous (SQ2) new Translations, AGS, King Quest, Al Emmo, Space Quest feature request normal
#14743 AGS: The Excavation of Hob's Barrow: Small graphical priority errors new ags, priority, barrow defect normal
#13952 ANDROID: AGS: Can't load games with resources >2GB on ARM32 new ags, nightmare frames defect normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.