Opened 6 days ago

Last modified 5 days ago

#15228 new defect

AGS: Robert Redford 2: Sprite glitches [upstream bug]

Reported by: LittleAmpton Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGS
Version: Keywords: ags
Cc: Game:


In Robert Redford 2 (available for download here) there are two places where the player walking animations don't switch correctly. I have included 3 saves in places where it breaks, where you can fix it and where it breaks again.

Steps to reproduce:
Save 1: Give broken trumpet to the rabbi. After the cutscene the player's standing/walking animation will be invisible after leaving the van (the player is only visible while talking). This persists after switching to the next room, and isn't fixed until doing an animation.

Save 2: The player starts out invisible. Use the axe on the tree to play a little animation after which the player is visible again.

Save 3: The player is visible. Use the axe on the branch the cat is sitting on to complete the game. After switching rooms the player's walking animation will be the jokey player-getting-cut animation.

Also a way to fix the invisibility is to use the melon on the player which makes him play a little animation.

This does not happen in the original AGS game. I have included two saves for the original AGS executable that correspond to scummvm saves 1 and 3.

ScummVM version: ScummVM 2.9.0git5402-ge29dbecf626 (Jun 22 2024 23:29:13)
System: Void Linux x86_64

Attachments (2) (12.5 KB ) - added by LittleAmpton 6 days ago. (102.9 KB ) - added by LittleAmpton 6 days ago.

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Change History (4)

by LittleAmpton, 6 days ago

Attachment: added

by LittleAmpton, 6 days ago

Attachment: added

comment:1 by tag2015, 5 days ago

Summary: Player graphics not switching properly sometimesAGS: Robert Redford 2: Sprite glitches [upstream bug]

comment:2 by tag2015, 5 days ago

Thanks for the report.
This is not a ScummVM bug, the same thing happens when using the upstream AGS interpreter (I used the latest version in branch 3.6.0).
This game is quite old, most likely the AGS code changed since then and/or the game exploited some feature or had some bugs that weren't noticeable with the old code. Unfortunately considering the amount of AGS games a perfect compatibiliy is impossibile especially for such niche games (see for compatibility reports)

I'll try opening a bugreport on the AGS bugtracker, maybe it can be fixed without affecting other games

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