Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#13670 CHEWY: Autosave will be overwritten when loaded from inside game new defect normal
#13668 CHEWY: Cell air duct highlighted when switching full screen to window new defect low
#13680 CHEWY: Cinema mode buggy new defect low
#13706 CHEWY: Cutscenes too easily skippable new defect normal
#13695 CHEWY: Cyber-Crown hotspot already active before Surimy new defect low
#13704 CHEWY: Detailed secondary comments missing new defect normal
#13594 CHEWY: Dialog canceled by subtitles pending bluegr defect high
#13656 CHEWY: Double sprites for animations new defect normal
#13521 CHEWY: Drone selection menu very hard to control new defect normal
#13696 CHEWY: Dugout race Chewy not moving new defect low
#13702 CHEWY: Game gets unresponsive in certain situations new defect low
#13559 CHEWY: German demo crashes looking for a non-existing det0.taf file new defect normal
#13698 CHEWY: Getting the typing paper from Miss Hoggendobber new defect normal
#13687 CHEWY: Harbour in Big City 2 not playing correct music new defect low
#13691 CHEWY: Howard is missing his helmet in Big City 2 new defect low
#13681 CHEWY: Intro is missing black screen at end new defect low
#13693 CHEWY: Inventory behavior quick action new defect low
#13692 CHEWY: Inventory behavior quick select item new defect normal
#13697 CHEWY: Menu hotkey new defect low
#13705 CHEWY: Missing animation for manipulating artifact new defect normal
#13688 CHEWY: Missing dialogue between director and actress new defect normal
#13686 CHEWY: Music during many videos missing new defect low
#13690 CHEWY: Nichelle back after Kong attack new defect normal
#13689 CHEWY: No machine noise in hidden base new defect low
#13609 CHEWY: Set game speed in ScummVM menu new feature request normal
#13637 CHEWY: Sprite of Chewy and Howard in train placed wrong new bluegr defect low
#13564 CHEWY: Too slow auto scrolling in ventilation pit new defect normal
#15170 CHEWY: Unlocked cinema cutscenes not correct new defect low
#13685 CHEWY: Videos are glitching in and out new defect low
#13700 CHEWY: novel hotspot missing in howards room new defect normal
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