Custom Query (10 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#13122 TITANIC: Starship Titanic Animations Lag new defect normal Engine: Titanic
#13298 DIRECTOR: Nyle: Passage To Egypt - unknown variant(Macromedia Director) new defect normal Engine: Director
#13301 MD5: DIRECTOR: Unknown game: Kings of the Ice (D8) new jamie-marchant defect normal Engine: Director
#13325 DIRECTOR: Explore Space - Mars (D5) not starting new defect normal Engine: Director
#13376 MYST3: Save Glitch new defect normal Engine: Myst3
#13792 DIRECTOR WARNING: DirectorSound::playCastMember: no audio data attached to member new defect normal Engine: Director
#14262 OSXPPC: ScummVM fails to start without "millions of colors" setting new jamie-marchant defect normal Port: Mac OS X
#14854 DIRECTOR: Magician's Secrets vol. 1/2 (D4) not starting new defect normal Engine: Director
#15351 ZVISION: ZGI: Save game can get stuck in a death loop new defect normal Engine: ZVision
#15355 Zork Grand Inquisitor does not show autosaves in it's menu new feature request normal Engine: ZVision
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