Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7155 SCI: Differences in the pathfinding algorithm new pathfinding has-pull-request defect normal
#10444 AGI: Graphics glitch when reloading a savegame after dying new has-pull-request defect low
#10979 Feature Request: Text box above virtual keyboard for Starship Titanic and other games new feature request virtual keyboard obstruction feature request normal
#11439 SCI: Add support for Ultimate Kings Quest 4 with Amiga sounds and Munt Support new King's Quest 4 Amiga sounds and Munt Support feature request normal
#12975 BASE: FSNode or DefaultSaveFileManager should provide an overloadable remove file method. pending has-pull-request criezy defect normal
#13480 AGS: Support existing (Spanish) Fan Translations for AGDI (KQ2/KQ3/AlEmmo) and Infamous (SQ2) new Translations, AGS, King Quest, Al Emmo, Space Quest feature request normal
#13941 AGS: Heroine's Quest font rendering issue new font;Heroine's;Quest defect normal
#14873 AGS: Save games are always ordered by saveslot instead of last save date new Heroine's Quest, save order defect low
#15008 AGS: Heroine's Quest: Two achievements not unlocking new Heroine's Quest, Achievement defect low
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.