Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#15621 REMORSE: Crusader: No Remorse hangs or crashes when jumping onto conveyor belts from certain angles new defect high Engine: Ultima
#12748 REMORSE: Silencer does not correctly follow Vargas at the end of Mission 2 new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12749 REMORSE: FMV difference: background should be faded to greyscale new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12750 REMORSE: Enemy AI does not exactly match original new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12751 REMORSE: Differences from original game when controlling Thresher cannon new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12759 REMORSE: Rendering order issue - items sometimes disappear new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#13785 REMORSE: mouse rotation doesn't work new defect normal Engine: Ultima
#12778 Crusader: No Remorse - Num Pad Keys do not change with capslock new feature request low Engine: Ultima
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.