Custom Query (14011 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 14011)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#780 SF/jamieson630 SF/jbergstrom worksforme SAM: Two music problems.

Scummvm 0.4.0 on XP pro. Sam and Max English CD Talkie.

1. There is no music in World of Fish.

2. When in Doug's room in the Tunnel of Love, the music suddenly restarts and a message "WARNING: When is this ever triggered anyway?" is displayed.

Ticket imported from: #739469. Ticket imported from: bugs/780.

#799 Kirben SF/gourry fixed Simon1and2 Italian Version - Minor bug on codetable & speed?

ScummVM version: 0.4.1cvs Game: Simon the Sorcerer I & II DOS, both Italian Version: both floppy Platform: Win32

In every dialogue, when you have to chose which sentence to say, a wrong character is displayed instead of every character with stress like: ŕ, č, é, ě, ň, ů. (Usually it's a latin character). This is really a minor bug!

I don't know if it's my impression or not, but in my opinion both simon1 and 2 are running slower than the original...

Ticket imported from: #742586. Ticket imported from: bugs/799.

#811 SF/jamieson630 SF/itsr0y invalid MI2: Missing sound effects

In the latest CVS version, some sound effects don't work in MI2. The easiest one to find is in the copy-protection. In the 0.4.0 release, there is sound as the pictures change, but no sound is in the CVS version. Also, when the woodsmith hammers, there should be sound, but there is none in the latest CVS.

Ticket imported from: #743285. Ticket imported from: bugs/811.

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