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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#360 fingolfin SF/inguin fixed MI1VGA: more graphical glitches

OK, here's the list for the rest of the game. Again: I only noticed graphical glitches and walking box bugs, there was not a single gameplay problem. And of course I'm again offering any screenshots or savegames you might need.

Sea Monkey: 1. Guybrush gets covered by parts of his desk and his bed in his room. 2. On top of the ship's mast, you can walk around freely. 3. Guybrush shines through boxes and barrels at the store room, even if he stands behind them. 4. In the crew bed room, Guybrush can walk through the bed in the middle of the room. 5. After opening his locker and placing the chest at the floor, Guybrush gets covered by that chest. 6. Guybrush gets covered by the cannon.

Monkey Island: 7. Guybrush gets covered by several palm trees at the beaches 8. Guybrush can walk through a rock at the dam. 9. If you fell from the cliff and see that "Sierra Death Message", the vultures are drawn above the window. 10. At the top view of the island, the beaches are often lined in a wrong colour (depending on which room you were in before). 11. The three-headed monkey at the cannibal village misses part of one head. 12. If you found your way to LeChuck's ghost ship and walk down to it, Guybrush is visable all the way though he walks down behind a rock. 13. At the ghost ship, Guybrush is visible through several pillars and a bed (hard to notice, because you only see his outline). 14. After opening the trap door in the room with the chickens, Guybrush can still walk across it.

Hope it helps.

Ticket imported from: #583053. Ticket imported from: bugs/360.

#367 fingolfin SF/kirschsaft outdated ALL: Enter key in save dialog

I dont know if it's really a bug or if you want to it to behave like this.

If I press the enter key (or the return key) after entering the name for the save slot, it's not saving the game. It jumps to the next save slot instead.

I can reproduce it with DOTT and SAM, German Talkies. I'm using a CVS build from yesterday, compiled with MingW32.

Ticket imported from: #584919. Ticket imported from: bugs/367.

#383 fingolfin SF/logicdeluxe wontfix ALL: savegame slot 81 is save only (old GUI)

Built on Aug 2 2002 00:07:18 win You can save to slot 81 but only load from the first 80 slots. In original Scumm since MI2 you can use slots 1-99. Well, 80 are more then enough but you should be able to load the states from all slots you also can save to.

Ticket imported from: #590210. Ticket imported from: bugs/383.

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