Opened 21 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#7364 closed feature request (wontfix)

Mouse Speed

Reported by: SF/dirtyhairy Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: low Component: --Other--
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game:


It'd be nice to have an option to adjust mouse speed when input is grabbed...

Ticket imported from: #928886. Ticket imported from: feature-requests/180.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:2 by fingolfin, 21 years ago

Why exactly? What would such an option look like, what would it be good for, etc.? Fill in the gaps a bit, please :-)

comment:3 by SF/dirtyhairy, 21 years ago

Well, for the why: when playing fullscreen on linux (at least, on my two machines), mouse speed is very ugly - I have to move the mouse aroung half my table, which makes playing very cumbersome and eventually leads to damaged tendrils... Solution: adjust SDL mouse speed by specifying the corresponding SDL enviroment variable :) Problem: this doesn't work for dga or console fb video, so still broken arms there.... So, it would be very nice to have an option for adjusting mouse speed in scummvm - this could be implemented using a slider control or more puristic with acceleration and treshhold as command line parameters. I know this isn't a very importand thing (and I don't know how much work implementing this would be; I didn't look at the relevant code too long :) ), but it might well be bugging other folks, too...

comment:4 by SF/cromas, 20 years ago

I vote for this feature as well. In fullscreen mode, the mouse 'feels' much faster. I think this is because the mouse input is not scaled in fullscreen mode, so it takes me just as much movement to move 200 pixels right in 640x480 as it does 1280x1024, but this translates to a lot more actual screen movement in the former than the latter.

The easiest solution to this (rather than trying to dynamically scale the mouse speed based on the users resolution) is just to supply a mouse speed option.

comment:5 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

The "SDL mouse speed" dirtyhairy talks about is steered by SDL_VIDEO_X11_MOUSEACCE, which, as the name suggests, is indeed an X11-only setting.

At this time, we have no intentions to add any kind of "mouse acceleration". As I stated earlier, this is something up to your OS / mouse driver. If we added mouse accel on the ScummVM level, then this would only be possible at the cost of decreased precision. The OS/driver get the full resolution mouse movement data from the mouse, but we only get the end result after the OS/driver applied their acceleration, performed rounding etc.

For some techincal information on mouse acceleration, see: <>

comment:6 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Finally rejecting this request.

This is really in the domain of the OS, not of ScummVM itself. Maybe if one of our ports was seriously broken in this regard, but so far this is the only complaint ever I heard about this; nothing else came even remotely close to it.

comment:7 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Owner: set to fingolfin
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

comment:8 by digitall, 6 years ago

Component: --Other--
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