Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#7024 closed defect (fixed)

AMAZON: Clipped text in CD English

Reported by: dreammaster Owned by: dreammaster
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Access
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Amazon: Guardians of Eden


Some of the spoken text for dialogs seems to be clipped. For example, at the very start of Chapter 2, the first text dialog of the letter being read, only half the text is spoken.

Ticket imported from: bugs/7024.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by dreammaster, 8 years ago

Further analysis indicates it's like that in the original.. the CD version has two sub-folders CDROM and TDROM. I think, but would have to double-check to be sure, that they represent the two modes the game can be run in, VGA vs SVGA. The thing is, the "CDROM" version's spoken text for some dialogs is deliberately clipped. It also uses RIFF (WAV) format, whereas the TDROM version has the full text, and uses the "STEVE" format.

I'll need to verify against the original in DosBox for both modes.. it may be something simple, like the text dialogs in one mode being shortly, matching the shorter spoken text, and ScummVM is accidentally intermixing the two versions. If that's the case, problems may be resolved if I simply force the game to only use TDROM/ files, and ignore CDROM/ entirely until such time, if ever, that we implement the VGA/SVGA mode switch.

comment:2 by dreammaster, 8 years ago

Ah, scratch that. The random nature of the skipping confused me for a while. I finally realised that when speaking, the sound resources are unloaded and fresh ones loaded, and the same sound Index gets reused. But there was a code woarkound in place to fix a previous bug with repeating sounds so that a sound wouldn't be re-qued if it was already playing.. and it was randomly skipping speech because it thought the same speech was already playing.

comment:3 by dreammaster, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by SF/albadross, 8 years ago

For some reason, the daily Win64 (& Win32) build has not been updated since February 7 so I have not been able to test this

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