Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#4062 closed defect (worksforme)

SYMBIAN: Random crash in The Dig

Reported by: SF/cfhay Owned by: anotherguest
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: The Dig


version: 0.12.0 release language: english version: original cd (files copied onto the phone) platform: Symbian 9.2 S60 3rd ed. FP1 (Nokia N95 8GB)

I couldn't test it with cvs version, all the links i found on the webpages seems broken to me.

The Dig crashes randomly. Usually in 2 minutes, but sometimes right after load, moving the cursor ~5 pixels. Loading the same save again might crash again few seconds after, might not. If i save very often (like after every 3 clicks), i can advance in the game, otherwise it's impossible. I can manage crash the game even on the very first scene, if i move with cursor very fast around (it crashes in seconds).

Same version on pc works flawlessly. Beneath a Steel Sky works excellent on phone, Day of the Tentacle is ok in the beginning and midgame, but turning crashy at the endgame too (crashes after every 5 min or so). Also i noticed both LucasArts games there are random click events (without touching the button, even if stop using the joy, and assign movement to numeric buttons). That didn't happen with BASS, neither outside ScummVM with any installed apps.

Free phone memory is around 52MB (C:) ScummVM installed here, memory card has gigs free (E:) games installed here, no other program running in the background.

Also i would try to start debugging with the existing tools if i could get a cvs version from somewhere...

Ticket imported from: #2477002. Ticket imported from: bugs/4062.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by SF/cfhay, 16 years ago

The VM just exits to the menu where i started ScummVM from without any message, the two files stdout and stderr are empty.

comment:2 by fingolfin, 16 years ago

Owner: set to anotherguest
Summary: Nokia N95 8GB The Dig random crashSYMBIAN: Random crash in The Dig

comment:3 by sev-, 16 years ago

What is the status of this item?

comment:4 by anotherguest, 16 years ago

I am getting a copy of The Dig today, so I will be able to debug this properly on device. Its an english version, of the Lucas Arts Classics version, so I think it will be a good reference.

comment:5 by anotherguest, 16 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:6 by anotherguest, 16 years ago

Awaiting full copy of The DIG (lucas arts classics) any day now.

comment:7 by anotherguest, 16 years ago

Tested with Lucas arts Classic The DIG, on Nokia 6120 classic (16 mb free ram), playing whole intro + journey to the planet. Works without any hitches, and problems. Tested with 1.0.0 beta release candidate 1

comment:8 by anotherguest, 16 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: pendingclosed
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