Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#3630 closed defect

FW: crashes

Reported by: SF/soksavik Owned by: sev-
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Cine
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Future Wars


ScummVM crashes in the Cretaceous period. Sequence to reproduce: - From the included, load the savegame "20loannhit" - Examine Lo'Ann three times; on the third attempt, you will find a pendant on her body - Use Pendant on Lo'Ann to send Lo'Ann forward in time - Click your way through the dialog that ensues between the Hero and the AI in the Pendant. - The hero automatically exits the frame at the bottom of the screen - ScummVM crashes -- presumably due to a failure in loading the next stage.

Game version: MS-DOS Game language: English Game media: Floppy I cannot rule out corrupt media, although I would expect an error message rather than a crash in this eventuality.

I am running ScummVM 0.11.0 (built Jan 13 2008 20:35:46); I've not yet attempted to reproduce the bug using an SVN build.

The host operating system is Mac OS X 10.5.2, running on an intel iMac.

The compatibility section for Future Wars claims the port is only 80% complete; however, it does say the game should be completable. The only errors mentioned are "graphics glitches" which, incidentally, I have not seen. The game played perfectly fine up to the point described here.

Ticket imported from: #1895606. Ticket imported from: bugs/3630.

Attachments (2) (34.8 KB ) - added by SF/soksavik 17 years ago.
Zip file of savegames for Future Wars
scummvm-debug.log (5.2 KB ) - added by SF/soksavik 17 years ago.
Debug log running scummvm -d4

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (16)

by SF/soksavik, 17 years ago

Attachment: added

Zip file of savegames for Future Wars

by SF/soksavik, 17 years ago

Attachment: scummvm-debug.log added

Debug log running scummvm -d4

comment:1 by SF/soksavik, 17 years ago

File Added: scummvm-debug.log

comment:2 by sev-, 17 years ago

Owner: set to sev-
Summary: ScummVM crashes during gameplayFW: crashes

comment:3 by SF/soksavik, 17 years ago

Comparing MD5 sums with another person indicates that corruption in the file "PART01" may be to blame. (Is there a way to have ScummVM recognize corrupt files?)

comment:4 by sev-, 17 years ago

It depends. What is your md5?

comment:5 by bluegr, 16 years ago

So is this an actual ScummVM bug, or caused by corrupt game data?

Should this be changed to "Pending"?

comment:6 by sev-, 16 years ago

soksavik, please, provide md5 sum of your PART01 file

comment:7 by sev-, 16 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:8 by SF/soksavik, 16 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:9 by SF/soksavik, 16 years ago

PART01 MD5SUM: 2b4ef42dd3a8f0d3a60075ced46cdd0c

comment:10 by sev-, 16 years ago

I just tried and cannot reproduce the bug. Does it still occur for you? If it so, please, provide md5s for all PART files.

comment:11 by sev-, 16 years ago

This tracker item is pending response by the submitter; we cannot continue processing it before that happens. As a consequence, its status has been set to "Pending". It will automatically revert to "Open" once a new comment is made to this item. If no response is made within 14 days, it will automatically be closed.

Thank you.

comment:12 by sev-, 16 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:13 by SF/sf-robot, 16 years ago

Status: pendingclosed

comment:14 by SF/sf-robot, 16 years ago

This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by the administrator of this Tracker).

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