Opened 23 years ago

Closed 22 years ago

#349 closed defect

MI1VGA: graphic glitches

Reported by: SF/inguin Owned by:
Priority: low Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Monkey Island 1


Now, after monkeyvga is completable, I played through the first part and wrote down any graphical glitches I noted (gameplay was perfect now, nothing to complain about). Most of these seem to be stacking mistakes, i.e. one sprite is drawn above another one, while the second one should be on top:

1. The Scumm Bar cook passes between the important pirates and their table. 2. If Guybrush stands near one of the two city gates he becomes partially invisible. 3. After the Voodoo lady disappears, her cauldron looks wrong. 4. The yellow flowers are red. :-) 5. If you climb the stairs in the shop Guybrush is drawn in front of its railing 6. When selecting an insult or answer during a sword fight the highlighted scroll arrows cover a small part of the first word when. 7. After you followed the shopkeeper all the way to the swordmaster and listened to their dialog, he leaves in a strange way (crossing the complete screen and covering a foreground tree). 8. In prison Guybrush gets covered by the walls. 9. In front of and inside Elaines house Guybrush disappears behind rocks, windows and doors. 10. At hook island, if you have to touch the vicious parrot, Guybrush gets covered by some pieces of the wall.

Strange enough: During the short time between Guybrush's first visit at the Gov's house and his return with the prisoner's rasp, the 8th and 9th bug (and maybe more) were gone. I can make some screenshots or savegames of these bugs if I didn't express myself clearly enough.

Ticket imported from: #581700. Ticket imported from: bugs/349.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by SF/inguin, 23 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:2 by SF/madm00se, 23 years ago

Thanks for the list, inguin!

The bugs are being worked on. I already have a fix for the red flowers but I still have to check that it's correct, and another fix that cleans up some font issues.

Then I'll have to learn how scummvm handles stacking and figure out why it's only messed up some if the time :-) (I've seen it too)

Don't bother with screenshots or savegames for part 1 but if you find any bugs further into the game, I'd be very happy for a savegame.

Again, thanks for the list!

comment:3 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

1 is fixed now. However, the important pirates are "behind" the table, i.e. their grog is not atop the table.

2 - How do I reproduce 2? I can't seem to get this problem to show up (maybe it is fixed)?

3 - Cauldron looks "wrong" because the animation/effect that should occur doesn't. We didn't impelment some required features yet.

4 - no clue on the flowers, MadMoose, what is your fix?

5 - still occurs.

6 & 7 - Can't reproduce

8 & 9 - Can't reproduce either. Note that old save games might show odd behaviour, so you might want to recheck them with a fresh game.

comment:4 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

Correction, I *can* reproduce 6

comment:5 by SF/inguin, 23 years ago

OK, I tried it again with the latest CVS. Bugs 1, 2, 7,8 and 9 are gone, 3, 4, 5 and 6 still occur. I don't know about 10 yet because ScummVM suddenly crashed. Gonna file a new bug for that one.

comment:6 by SF/inguin, 23 years ago

About bug 1: the pirates' grog is not supposed to be atop the table, it looks exactly the same in the original game.

comment:7 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

So you mean it is different there compared to newer version of Monkey Island? In the Monkey CD version ("monkey") the grog is atop the table.

comment:8 by SF/inguin, 23 years ago

I don't know about the CD version, but in my original DOS version (4 disks, VGA), the mugs are definitely behind the table. Probably a bug in the data files, not ScummVM's fault.

comment:9 by SF/madm00se, 23 years ago

In my floppy vga version the pirates are also behind the table... odd that I didn't notice this before :-/

Of these bugs, I only see 3, 4 and 6 now.

About 6, the arrow and the text are both placed correctly, but it seems to be clearing too large an area when the arrow is redrawn.

comment:10 by SF/madm00se, 23 years ago

eriktorbjorns patch #591581 for bug #558711 LOOM: Loom animation made _shadowPalette work, so we can check off 4.

That leaves 3 and 6.

In #6 it is only a 1 pixel overlap so this could be an off-by-one error somewhere?

comment:11 by SF/inguin, 22 years ago

Status: newclosed
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