Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#3402 closed defect (fixed)

SYMBIAN: Can't save in UIQ

Reported by: SF/anomaly2 Owned by: anotherguest
Priority: normal Component: Engine: Sky
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Beneath a Steel Sky


It's impossible to access the save/load/options dialog in the UIQ3 version of ScummVM. Bug was discovered using a SE W950i with the latest firmware.

Ticket imported from: #1793711. Ticket imported from: bugs/3402.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Owner: set to anotherguest
Summary: Can't save in UIQSYMBIAN: Can't save in UIQ

comment:2 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

To process your bug report appropriately, we need you to provide the following additional information:

* ScummVM version (PLEASE test the latest CVS/Daily build) * Bug details, including instructions on reproducing it * Language of game (English, German, ...) * Version of game (talkie, floppy, ...) * Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, MacOS, ...) * Attach a save game if possible * If this bug only occurred recently, please note the last version without the bug, and the first version including the bug. That way we can fix it quicker by looking at the changes made.

This should only take you a little time but will make it much easier for us to process your bug report in a way that satisfies both you and us.

Thank you for your support!

comment:3 by SF/noelemahc, 17 years ago

I am currently using a W950i with the latest firmware and experienced no such bug neither in the latest stable release nor in the latest unstable build. By default, this function is assigned to Jog Push, but since the keymapper now functions properly (in the unstable build only), you can remap it to anything you like.

comment:4 by sev-, 17 years ago

This tracker item is pending response by the submitter; we cannot continue processing it before that happens. As a consequence, its status has been set to "Pending". It will automatically revert to "Open" once a new comment is made to this item. If no response is made within 14 days, it will automatically be closed.

Thank you.

comment:5 by sev-, 17 years ago

Status: newpending

comment:6 by sev-, 17 years ago

Apparently this was replied just while I was processing other reports.Back to open.

comment:7 by sev-, 17 years ago

Status: pendingnew

comment:8 by SF/anomaly2, 17 years ago

I have now installed scummvm-071124-SymbianUIQ3_all.sis and I now get the options meny when I push jog dial - which didn't happen in Scummvm-0.10.0. As far as I'm concerned this ticket can be closed. Thank you!

comment:9 by sev-, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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