Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#3350 closed defect (fixed)

COMI: Crash in SVN but not in 0.X.0

Reported by: SF/thunderpeel2001 Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: high Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Monkey Island 3


Using ScummVM SVN my COMI has just crashed. When Guybrush jumps out into the RUM ROGERS diorama, eventually LeChucks appears and forces him back onto the ride. But it crashes as Guybrush gets back into the cart.

Tested on ScummVM SVN July28th on Vista.

Save attached.

Ticket imported from: #1763227. Ticket imported from: bugs/3350.

Attachments (1)

comi.s42 (83.9 KB ) - added by SF/thunderpeel2001 18 years ago.
Rum Rogers crash

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

by SF/thunderpeel2001, 18 years ago

Attachment: comi.s42 added

Rum Rogers crash

comment:1 by fingolfin, 18 years ago

Does it give some kind of error message when it crashes?

comment:2 by SF/thunderpeel2001, 18 years ago

No sorry, ScummVM just hangs silently. It doesn't crash (ie. disappear) it hangs and I have to force quit it. It happens in the save, just make sure that Guybrush jumps out at the next diorama (with Rum Rogers in it) and then wait until LeChuck shows up.

comment:3 by bluegr, 18 years ago

This bug seems very similar to #1527274 "COMI: Freeze in Chapter VI, rollercoaster"

comment:4 by sev-, 17 years ago

What is the status of this item?

comment:5 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

It seems to lockup in engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_track.cpp:95, in IMuseDigital::startSound() while waiting for the requested track to become free. An excerpt from the backtrace:

#13 0x00118348 in Scumm::ScummEngine::parseEvents (this=0x9c05000) at engines/scumm/input.cpp:62 #14 0x00050f84 in Scumm::IMuseDigital::startSound (this=0x605ba00, soundId=1512, soundName=0x852a48 "1512-RUM.IMX", soundType=2, volGroupId=3, input=0x0, hookId=0, volume=127, priority=126) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_track.cpp:95 #15 0x0004f43c in Scumm::IMuseDigital::startMusic (this=0x605ba00, soundName=0x852a48 "1512-RUM.IMX", soundId=1512, hookId=0, volume=127) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_script.cpp:230 #16 0x00177a48 in Scumm::IMuseDigital::playComiMusic (this=0x605ba00, songName=0x852a30 "stateRum", table=0x852a2c, atribPos=87, sequence=true) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_music.cpp:328 #17 0x00177d64 in Scumm::IMuseDigital::setComiMusicSequence (this=0x605ba00, seqId=2000) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_music.cpp:259 #18 0x0004fab0 in Scumm::IMuseDigital::parseScriptCmds (this=0x605ba00, cmd=4097, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0, f=0, g=0, h=0) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_script.cpp:131 #19 0x0004fd64 in Scumm::IMuseDigital::refreshScripts (this=0x605ba00) at engines/scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse_script.cpp:209 #20 0x00020028 in Scumm::ScummEngine_v7::scummLoop_handleSound (this=0x9c05000) at engines/scumm/scumm.cpp:2140 #21 0x0002a964 in Scumm::ScummEngine::scummLoop (this=0x9c05000, delta=5) at engines/scumm/scumm.cpp:1943 #22 0x0001f650 in Scumm::ScummEngine::go (this=0x9c05000) at engines/scumm/scumm.cpp:1748

comment:6 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Owner: set to aquadran

comment:7 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Priority: normalhigh

comment:8 by eriktorbjorn, 17 years ago

Does this still happen? I wasn't able to reproduce it, neither with the original voice/music files nor with compressed ones. I do get that annoying "IMuseDigital::cloneToFadeOutTrack: Not free fade track!" a couple of times, though.

comment:9 by bluegr, 17 years ago

I can't reproduce it either, seems to be fixed now I believe :)

comment:10 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Hmm? But what should have fixed it since three weeks ago? I am not aware of any changes to the responsible code...

comment:11 by eriktorbjorn, 17 years ago

Maybe it's random? I made three attempts with an older version (revision 29000), and it hung once.

comment:12 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Well I don't have time to try to reproduce it tonight, but when I last tried it, I at first also thought that it was random. But then I noticed that if I followed the instructions here *precisely*, it was rather reliable. That is: jump in, jump out, wait -- no unnecessary actions in between. Anyway, I don't believe it is fixed.

comment:13 by eriktorbjorn, 17 years ago

> That is: jump in, jump out, wait -- no unnecessary actions in between.

Jump in? I thought it was just jumping out at the Rum Rogers diorama and then keep still, waiting for it to happen?

comment:14 by bluegr, 17 years ago

I've tried this part before patch #1839861, and as mentioned, the crashes were a bit random. I've tried it again with patch #1839861, which seems to have fixed other bugs too. I couldn't reproduce it, but as mentioned it's a bit random (unlike the other related bugs). I believe that patch #1839861 fixed the real issue for those crashes, so this could be closed...

comment:15 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

I am closing this as despite several dozen attempts, I wasn't able to reproduce this anymore, while before the patch, I could frequently reproduce the lockup. At the very least, the frequency of the issue was dramatically reduced. But I think that we did indeed address the core issues here: Trying to clone&fade tracks which were to be removed, postponing track deletion unnecessarily, and a race condition in startSound().

comment:16 by fingolfin, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from aquadran to fingolfin
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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