Opened 23 years ago

Closed 22 years ago

#282 closed defect (outdated)

DOTT: Overlaping music

Reported by: (none) Owned by: SF/ender
Priority: low Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Day of the Tentacle


I've been playing the DotT talkie, and sometimes the music won't stop when new music begins. For example, when Dr. Fred is tied up in red tape, if you push him off the bed, the music is supposed to re-start when the IRS agent pops in, but instead it overlaps with the music that is already playing. I've attached a save state which exemplifies the problem.

Ticket imported from: #558047. Ticket imported from: bugs/282.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by SF/trinity78, 23 years ago

i've noticed this in other games too, monkey island 2 for example.

comment:2 by (none), 23 years ago

Logged In: NO

Oops, forgot to say what version of ScummVM and DotT CD I'm using, ect. Heres the info:

Command line: scummvm -pe:\dott\ -c0 -ewindows -y100 tentacle Detected Version: 'Day Of The Tentacle', version 6.4.2 version: 0.2.0 [Release] Windows build

comment:3 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

Lowering priority.

Use of the midi engine is not recommended.

comment:4 by SF/ender, 23 years ago

Priority: normallow

comment:5 by (none), 23 years ago

Logged In: NO

if i'm not mistaken, this happens with adlib-emulation too.

comment:6 by SF/zorbid, 23 years ago

Indeed, it happens with adlib emulation. (at least in MI2, woodtick)

comment:7 by fingolfin, 23 years ago

Summary: Overlaping musicDOTT: Overlaping music

comment:8 by fingolfin, 22 years ago

What is the status of this item? Problem is still occuring I assume?

comment:9 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

Owner: set to SF/ender
Resolution: outdated
Status: newclosed

comment:10 by SF/ender, 22 years ago

This should have been fixed with jamiesons imuse changes anyway. Closing. (Please reopen if bug is still occuring)

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