Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#2726 closed defect (fixed)

WINCE: scaling/crash issue

Reported by: SF/aloedesign Owned by: SF/knakos
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Zak McKracken


when i try to play zak mckracken(may not be game specific), on a htc wizard / cingular 8125, with scumm .9.0a for windows mobile, and I want to play it in landscape mode, (screen wider than tall), the game gets all glitchy when i "hide" the scumm interface(but only in landscape mode). If, in turn, i do not "hide" the scumm interface, then some of the game's interface is obscured behind it. (in this game, specifically, the third row of inventory). this occurs even if i turn off scaling/ aspect correction before executing the game (the options seem to function but only up till the point where i rotate the screen, then it just starts scaling / aspect correction anyway). In otherwords, these "don't scale the graphics" options seem to only work right when in portrait mode, which makes the game basically unplayable in landscape mode. so, after flipping the monkey(to rotate into landscape), then when i hit the hide button, it scales up the screen so the third row of inventory is still not accessible, plus it starts drawing all funky (ie graphics leave trails and have invisible blocks), sometimes "unrecoverable error," then if i hit hide again and the scummvm interface comes back, all is good except i still can't see the entire game interface. also, the device does not have ctrl or alt on the keyboard so i cannot change some of the options that may resolve this issue in game, ie shift ctrl A or shift ctrl + / - write me at "jake at aloedesign .net" if you would like further clarification. I believe that it is a device/version specific issue rather than game specific, although i have not tried other games.

Ticket imported from: #1519449. Ticket imported from: bugs/2726.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by fingolfin, 19 years ago

Owner: set to SF/knakos
Summary: scaling/crash issue in win mobileWINCE: scaling/crash issue

comment:2 by SF/knakos, 19 years ago

hot-fixed in commits 23601,-2. A better solution should be considered for the trunk (honoring the _adjustAspectRatio of the overloaded sdl backend), but requires some rewrite and careful debugging.

comment:3 by SF/knakos, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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