Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#2664 closed defect (invalid)

FF: Endless talk without sound and duplicate Feeble

Reported by: SF/androidi Owned by: Kirben
Priority: normal Component: Engine: AGOS
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: The Feeble Files


I only experienced this on the first run of the game with build 10.06.2006 win

Loading the saved did not help reproduce issue later.

Being the first time I ever got this game to run, a lot of experimenting with the actions and object in rooms 1&2 probably contributed in causing the malfunctioning state.

Anyway the game went into state where using the looking glass on the three blob object above the parked bike in the first room and also on the docking administration door caused Feeble go into endless talk animation (mouse pointer hidden) with no sound heard.

Also if I alt-tabbed out and in during the endless talk state and then right clicked, the Feedble would be duplicated on the screen, one left standing (and flickering) where it was talking and second walking normally.

(PC 2 CD version on Windows, I have files voices1.wav and voices2.wav in game dir from cd 1 and 2 renamed, rest of files I just copied to HDD over overwriting some existing files from CD1 with CD2 files, game size 1 699 548 889 bytes with smk>dxa+ogg)

Ticket imported from: #1504274. Ticket imported from: bugs/2664.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Unfortunately difficult to find the cause, when issues aren't reproducable.

Did you have subtitles enabled in the game? as subtitles were not possible in original and could cause glitches.

comment:2 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Summary: endless talk without sound and duplicate FeebleFF: Endless talk without sound and duplicate Feeble

comment:3 by SF/androidi, 19 years ago

No subtitles were enabled, however the object name hints when hovering mouse over them were enabled.

comment:4 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Owner: set to Kirben
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:5 by Kirben, 19 years ago

Closing, as we can't do anything, if the issue isn't reproducable.

There is usally a certain event or sequence of commands, which trigger bugs like this.

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