Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 20 years ago

#1598 closed defect (worksforme)

INDY3: Guards in Castle Brunwald

Reported by: (none) Owned by: fingolfin
Priority: normal Component: Engine: SCUMM
Version: Keywords:
Cc: Game: Indiana Jones 3


- ScummVM 0.7.OCVS built Apr 13 20:11:30 - Win32 - savegame attached - english, FM Towns version

I talk the butler into leaving to see his cousin, I sneak around the first guards, get the servant uniform and talk to the first guards until they let me pass. I give the paiting to the next guard. I do not start any fights or cause any trouble at all. I reach the room with the key to the grey uniform. I go back, take the uniform, pass the guards on the first level again (still in servant uniform), and put on the grey uniform afterwards. Now posing as an officer I should actually be able to pass the guards on the next level, but they're already alarmed and know about an intruder (I have no idea why) and start fighting immediately although I do wear the grey uniform. Apart from that I have the impression they notice me to soon, even if I'm still quite out of range. They also move much faster than Indy. I don't think the Brunwald part was originally that difficult.

Also, guess this doesn't belong here, background music in Venice and other midis sound kinda messed up. I've tried every configuration (default, Windows Midi, FM Towns, Adlib,...) - no improvement. MP3 Soundtrack works fine though.

Ticket imported from: #935056. Ticket imported from: bugs/1598.

Attachments (1)

indy3Towns.s12 (6.3 KB ) - added by SF/*anonymous 20 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by SF/*anonymous, 20 years ago

Attachment: indy3Towns.s12 added


comment:1 by Kirben, 20 years ago

Summary: Guards in Castle BrunwaldINDY3: Guards in Castle Brunwald

comment:2 by SF/cloney, 20 years ago

Just trying re-create this one... just checking the order of events you say you did the following:

talked past butler dodged first guard to get servant's costume talked past first two guards as servant gave painting to third guard got key, went back downstairs as servant and got uniform as servant, went upstairs again, then changed into uniform

I just tried this with the latest CVS with no problems - soldiers treated me as an officer. Are you sure you weren't seen by one of the soldiers while wearing the servants uniforms?.

Interesting approach - I always talk my way past the first two guards while just wearing my Indywear - you can even make a few marks doing so.

As for the midi sections, they're being accurately recreated by ScummVM - the originals sounded that bad. Blame the FM Towns porting team.


comment:3 by (none), 20 years ago

Thanks, I just re-created it yet again and yes, this time it did in fact work as it should while it didn't work twice before.

>Are you sure you weren't seen by one >of the soldiers while wearing the servants uniforms?

I'm sure I was not seen by anyone who I had gotten past before when wearing different clothes, but the fourth guard (the 'fat' one following after the one I gave the painting to) noticed me when I tried to get into the room with the brass key. That's why I wrote I thought I was noticed too soon, seemed like that guard could see through walls, but that also worked this time. Maybe that was why all the other guards were already alarmed, because that one had seen, but not confronted me, because I always managed to run away from him.

>As for the midi sections, they're being accurately recreated >by ScummVM - the originals sounded that bad. Blame the >FM Towns porting team.

Nah, as long as something is accurately recreated, there's no reason to blame anyone, rather congratulate them on good work. I just have to say then the originals really don't sound that nice, especially inbetween the orchestral score from CD/mp3. The venice tune drives you nuts like this - if that is how it was intented - alright. ;-)

comment:4 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

OK, so since we are not sure whether this was a bug now or not, I am gonna close it... feel free to reopen if you ever notice it again..

comment:5 by fingolfin, 20 years ago

Owner: set to fingolfin
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed
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