Opened 22 months ago

Last modified 19 months ago

#13741 new feature request

[Homepage] Please add a sub-URL, called "/statistics" and/or "/stats"

Reported by: rubyFeedback Owned by:
Priority: low Component: Web
Version: Keywords: statistics
Cc: Game:


[Homepage] Please add a sub-URL, called "/statistics" and/or "/stats"

Rationale: I would like to see a few statistics on this such as:

"number of playable games integrated: 25062"

Or something like this. Perhaps even on a per-release basis.

Other statistics could be included as well, but right now I am more interested in how many games were assimilated, 'xcuse me, supported by scummvm. I recently read that nuvie and other Ultima games are now part of scummvm, so the scummy, I mean, scummvm family is growing.

So I'd just like a quick overview.

There may be other ways to get the above, but I'd love a simple link on the homepage as-is. I am multitasking so much that I forget everything in a few days already, which is why a sub-URL statistics would be nice.


Example for rubygems, just as one example of many more:

Change History (2)

comment:1 by criezy, 22 months ago

That's an interesting idea.

It would be impossible to provide statistics for all the games that work with ScummVM due to some engines such as glk, ags, and eventually director having potentially thousands of games that we never heard of and can work using the fallback detection. However we could for example have statistics on the number of stable engines, and how many games are detected (excluding fallback detection).

One way to do it currently is to run ScummVM on the command line with the --list-games or --list-engines option. The output can be piped into a command to count the lines. On Linux or macOS you will for example get the number of detected games with:

scummvm --list-games | wc -l

Since I was curious and I have various ScummVM versions on my computer I ran it and got:

Number of engines Detected games
1.8.1 153
1.9.0 159
2.0.0 164
2.1.2 177
2.2.0 64 1927
2.5.1 74 5715
2.6.0 78 6705

Some notes:

  • The --list-engines was introduced in ScummVM 2.2.0, so I did not include the number of supported engines for older versions as it would have to be determined using another method.
  • The glk engine (for interactive fiction games) was added in ScummVM 2.2.0. It explains the big jump in the number of detected games for that version.
  • The ags and director engines were added in ScummVM 2.5.0, and explains the second big jump. And many more AGS games were added in the detection tables for version 2.6.0.

With recent ScummVM versions (2.2.0 and above) you can also filter by engines. For example on Linux or macOS:

scummvm --list-games | grep 'ags:' | wc -l

This tells me that the most detected games are in the ags, glk, and director engines (although I believe many detected director games do not work properly yet).

ags glk director
2.2.0 1425
2.5.1 2116 1984 1080
2.6.0 2818 2017 1321
Version 0, edited 22 months ago by criezy (next)

comment:2 by digitall, 21 months ago

Component: --Unset--Web
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