Custom Query (13980 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 13980)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13001 fixed MD5: TOON: Unknown game variant for toon sev- Adem1987

The game in 'Untitled' seems to be an unknown game variant.

Please report the following data to the ScummVM team at along with the name of the game you tried to add and its version, language, etc.:

Matched game IDs for the toon engine: toon-demo

{"local.pak", 0, "bf5da4c03f78ffbd643f12122319366e", 3250841}, {"generic.svl", 0, "5eb99850ada22f0b8cf6392262d4dd07", 9404599},

#12952 fixed AGS: Stargate Advenure - Crash during intro dreammaster Adventure4Life

ScummVM.version = 2.4.0git461-g5d7ae659bf (Sep 20 2021 11:06:29)

Stargate Adventure AGS (2.7 I think)

This game does not seem to work in the build of ScummVM I am using. It crashes after correctly loading the intro logo.

I got the game from the AGS_archive Torrent. There are three versions of the game in that torrent. The same error happens on all three versions.

  • Stargate Adventure.rar
  • Stargate Adventure 1.1.rar
  • Stargate

Only the version "Stargate Adventure.rar" ran by running the AGS exe itself on windows 10.

When adding the games to ScummVM, two of them had a popup saying it was a "unknown variant" and had a button called "copy to clipboard" that seemed to save a bunch of information you may need.

I have attached the "copy" code from ScummVM that pops up when I add the game for these versions as text files to this ticket for these versions of the game.

  • Stargate Adventure.rar
  • Stargate Adventure 1.1.rar

Stargate just added without any popup warnings at all. It still errors though in the same place. As there was no popup at the start I do not know how to get the "copy code" like the other 2 versions above.

I added all the games using default options. I changed nothing. Just unrared the nightly build, then pressed add game, browsed to dir and hit ok.

This is my first time using the debug report thing.. let me know if I did anything wrong or need to add any more info. - Thanks.

#11263 fixed TOLTECS: Missing Czech language version support digitall AfBu

Czech version of 3 Skulls of the Toltecs can't be added to library and played.

Language: Czech (subtitles) Version: original localised CD (can provide ISO or data file if needed)

Matched game IDs for the 3 Skulls of the Toltecs engine: toltecs

{"WESTERN", 0, "57503131c0217c76b07d0b5c14805631", 337644552},

Tested on: Windows 10 Pro 64bit

ScummVM 2.1.0 (Oct 5 2019 01:08:33) Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth Theora AAC A/52 FreeType2 JPEG PNG cloud (servers, local)

ScummVM 2.2.0git763-g95ed614f5f (Nov 12 2019 10:39:16) Features compiled in: TAINTED Vorbis FLAC MP3 RGB zLib MPEG2 FluidSynth Theora AAC A/52 FreeType2 JPEG PNG libcurl

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