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Results (73 - 75 of 14011)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11291 invalid 3DS Port issues with SCI engines MarioKartFan MarioKartFan

Hello. The 3DS daily builds (Development and Stable) do not properly launch SCI32 Games. Instead when loading the screen goes blank and there is no sound. Waiting several moments indicates this is not a software hang. Note that the SCUMM and Tinsel engines work great).

I tested and confirmed this issue exists using CD versions of Gabriel Knight 1/2, Quest for Glory IV and King’s Quest VI.

Note: these games all run fine on 3DS if I custom build MrHuu’s fork.

#11348 fixed 3DS crash related to key maps bgK MarioKartFan

The development builds have a new keymap feature that works nicely. However, you can crash ScummVM 100% of the time by starting a game, exiting to launcher, editing the keymap (either globally or per game) and then hitting save. You can only avoid the crash by editing keymaps before you launch your first game.

#11512 fixed 3DS crashes when quitting bgK MarioKartFan

Yesterday’s commit solved the issue of SCUMM games crashing on the 3DS on launch. There’s another issue, however. Now ScummVM results in an ARM11 error whenever I quit a game using the 3DS home screen button. Note: it does not crash if I quit using the ScummVM quit button.

Crash dump attached.

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