Custom Query (14000 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#280 Cursor Offset fingolfin anonymous

This is a small bug, but something tells me to report it. The mouse cursor offset is off by one pixel. You can't get the cursor to the very top of the screen. It's especially obvious in full-screen mode.

Ticket imported from: #557874. Ticket imported from: bugs/280.

#281 My MI1 Version does not run... fingolfin anonymous

I use my MI1 Cersion, which is from a CD, but not the original CD. Its a CD from a magazine called Bestseller Games Gold.

There are these files: 000.LFL 901.LFL 902.LFL 903.LFL 904.LFL DISK01.LEC DISK02.LEC DISK03.LEC DISK04.LEC MONKEY.EXE README.VGA

All other Games run (DOTT,SAM, etc.) But it seems, that only the games with an .000 file there an other version of MI which contains .000 file?

Ticket imported from: #557923. Ticket imported from: bugs/281.

#287 Indy 4 - IQ-Points SF/ender SF/andrej4000

I have the german floppy version of Indy4 and ScummVm doesn't make the IQ-Points file. Works this with the english verion or not? Or won't it be implemented anyway?

Ticket imported from: #558387. Ticket imported from: bugs/287.

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