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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3 MI2 freezes on Stan's office SF/strigeus SF/jackburton

Go to room 46, then enter Stan's office (the one on the right), ScummVM will freeze. These are last messages:

WARNING: stub screenEffect(129)! WARNING: stub playSound(2)! WARNING: stub setShake(0)! WARNING: unkResourceProc: not implemented!

Then it freezes.

Ticket imported from: #469659. Ticket imported from: bugs/3.

#8 Bad string pointer beeing returned SF/strigeus vincenthamm

In Dott french version, the game crash trying to get the pointer to the string containing the verb to be displayed in the satus bar. The stange thing is that the game don't use the same string function for the US and french version of Dott. Even forcing the game to use the function used by the US version of the game don't work either.

Ticket imported from: #472715. Ticket imported from: bugs/8.

#12 Atlantis and Monkey1 crash on startup SF/strigeus SF/kartoffelsalat

I downloaded the current sources pre-alpha-0.0.2 and changed the "monkey2" string in the main method to "atlantis". error message:

1 1, 2 2, 4 4 4, 20 38 24 12 20 19556 WARNING: stub setShake(0)! Loading cursor 0 Error(1): roomops:14 not implemented! Press a key to quit.

Monkey1 does not work either. I get the following error meesage:

1 1, 2 2, 4 4 4, 20 38 24 12 20 19556 Error(0): askForDisk: not yet implemented! Press a key to quit.

BTW: Monkey2 works and I'm "working" under Linux

Ticket imported from: #477877. Ticket imported from: bugs/12.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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