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Results (82 - 84 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#131 fixed Crash in DOTT SF/ender SF/kirschsaft

I'm using the German Talkie-Version of DOTT.

When I send an Inventory Item to Hoagie, Bernhard says that he's going to the Chron-O-John. In the next Scene I can see him flushing the Item in the toilet. Then I see Hoagie noticing that something's in the Chron-O- John and Game crashes (quits).

The Console says: WARNING: o6roomops:180: partially unimplemented! WARNING: EGA_proc4! Fatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)

This happens with the last Daily Builds of ver.0.2.0.

The Versions 0.1.0 (SDL and GDI) also crash: WARNING: o6roomops:180: partially unimplemented!

I can only see the SCUMM-Controls.

Ticket imported from: #535226. Ticket imported from: bugs/131.

#135 fixed Room entry: Actor Direction fingolfin anonymous

This is a pretty small bug, but I find it annoying. Whenever (in any game, I think) I go to another room, I'm always facing the back of it. An example of how weird this can get is when you go to Henry's house in Indy3 (Indy should be facing right), or in DOTT when you enter Purple's office (same with Laverne).

Ticket imported from: #540505. Ticket imported from: bugs/135.

#136 fixed Monkey 2 music awful mix SF/ender SF/drebon

Well in the part 1 of MI2, after leaving woodtick, the music is still played behind the music of the map of Scabb Island... And then when you go to another place (the beach, the maraicages etc) you got all the musics played together.... It sounds really awful and is really disturbing.. By the way this bug seems to disappear on loading the state... (you get a wrong played music and by changing place it recovers to normal) So I think it won't help to put any savestates of this bug...

Ticket imported from: #540564. Ticket imported from: bugs/136.

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