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Results (49 - 51 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#54 fixed SDL: fullRedraw flag not reset SF/strigeus SF/stauff1


In sdl.cpp, the fullRedraw flag can be set when the number of rectangles to be redrawn exceeds a threshold, but not reset. This causes the program to become unresponsive and hog a lot of cpu. The fix is fairly simple, around line 254, add a line like so:

.... if (fullRedraw) { SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0,0,0,0); + fullRedraw = false; #if defined(SHOW_AREA) ....


- Matthew Duggan

Ticket imported from: #493614. Ticket imported from: bugs/54.

#55 fixed charachters walk backwards. SF/strigeus SF/urkle

In Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis both Indy and Sophia walk up and down the stairs at the entrance of the university (in the beginning of the game and again later).

Ticket imported from: #494104. Ticket imported from: bugs/55.

#56 fixed Two musics playing simultaneously SF/ender SF/ccrtnsp

At least with Maniac Mansion 2: DOTT, ScummVM sometimes plays the "room's background music" along with some other theme (which should be played alone). For example when in the scene where Laverne says to Ted Edison (the mummy) that he is his favorite Edison, the room's background music interferes with the enigmatic score...

ScummVM: latest CVS (Tuesday December 18 2001) Game: 'Day Of The Tentacle', version 6.4.2, full talkie

(the bug DOES show also in other games too like TSOMI2, it's just more obvious here.)

Ticket imported from: #494447. Ticket imported from: bugs/56.

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