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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#24 fixed dottdemo fails to startup SF/strigeus SF/japj

The DOTT demo fails to startup:

$ ~/scummvm-20011107_unstripped dottdemo Failed game detection 1 1, 2 2, 4 4 4, 20 38 28 88 12056 Error(0:0:0x0): Bad ID N! Press a key to quit.

(see feature request demo url for an url of the

Ticket imported from: #479034. Ticket imported from: bugs/24.

#26 fixed can't save while talking in indy SF/strigeus anonymous

If I have a conversation going in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, and the game is waiting for me to say something, trying to save will render all my responses invisible, and the cursor disappears. The background continues to move, but I am unable to do anything, including loading or saving. Restarting scummvm and trying to load the saved game leaves me in exact same state. I don't get any error messages on the console.

Ticket imported from: #479269. Ticket imported from: bugs/26.

#27 fixed DOTT: multiple sounds SF/strigeus SF/jsaathof

Version: CVS dated 07/11/2001 with CDrom version of DOTT

During playing with DOTT I noticed that dialogue is cut off by other sound effects (like tentacle hopping). An example is Laverne at the tentacle doctor. It seems that only one sound effect can be played at a time.

Ticket imported from: #479298. Ticket imported from: bugs/27.

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