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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#143 invalid Undefined References in scummvm anonymous

When trying to compile the latest version of scummvm (1.0b) and even the CVS (as of 4-7-02) if get the following errors from gcc:

Undefined references to: __gxx_personality_v0 vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info operator delete(void*) operator new(unsigned)

All the errors come from /v3 /v4. I'm running Redhat Linux 7.2, SDL 1.2.3, Kernel 2.4.18, gcc 3.0.2. The problem also occurs trying to compile simon.

Any Ideas?


Ticket imported from: #540857. Ticket imported from: bugs/143.

#147 fixed Indy4 - Crab Raft in Atlantis SF/ender anonymous

The crab raft seems to work well the first time you use it but once you get off of the raft, you cannot get back on without it skipping to the walkway on the upper screen. You're supposed to float on the water, not the concrete. Indy cannot get back to the water or through any gates. Savegame attached.


Ticket imported from: #541851. Ticket imported from: bugs/147.

#149 invalid MIDI playback speed in DOTT (CD) SF/ender anonymous

This is not exactly a top priority item, but it would be nice to fix it sometime.

I've noticed on my machine (windows 98, directx8, 224MB ram, AMD Duron) that midi playback in DOTT is slightly slower than it should be, but sounds and voice run at normal speed. This is particularly annoying in the introduction, where the tune is supposed to match the mood and timing of each section. What actually happens is that it gets badly behind the animation, and the intro finishes completely about ten seconds before the music, cutting it off and launching into the next scene. While only significant in the intro, this problem occurs all the way through the game.

I'm running scummvm version 0.1.0

Ticket imported from: #542032. Ticket imported from: bugs/149.

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