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Results (64 - 66 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13617 fixed SCUMM: Implement original GUI AndywinXp GermanTribun

That's something that bothered me for some time, but ScummVM overriding the original pause signs of SCUMM games does not look estestically appealing. Each of the games originally had a pause sign made for it, fitting in with the game. Not to speak of now missing out on the snails in Maniac Mansion and Zak (as there no longer is loading to speak off).

Is there any way to restore those properly, since it's all in the game data and less of a hassle than the save screen?

#13619 invalid SCUMM: The steel security door in Maniac Mansion AndywinXp GermanTribun

In order to remove the copy protection in Maniac Mansion, the interpreter has it always open and it also can't be closed (but the keypad can still be used). That however does sadly also remove the Easter Egg when reading the sign with Bernard (and reading the sign in general). Can't the door be programmed that it just opens and closes like a normal door without the character automatically using the keypad, thus still neutralizing the copy protection? (They did that on the NES - something ScummVM doesn't replicate).

#13635 invalid SCUMM/HE: Puttzoo - Debug console room change always produces the message "AAAAAAAAAA! Help! No Room!" AndywinXp Thunderforge

In Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (puttzoo), using the debug console to switch rooms always produces the message

"AAAAAAAAAA! Help! No Room!"

Pressing return then switches to the requested room.

Reproduction steps

  1. Launch the game and get past the cutscenes
  2. Bring up the debug console
  3. Type in something like room 10

The message will appear. But the room does exist and if you press the return key, you switch to the requested room.

Versions tested

  • Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo Steam release
  • ScummVM 2.7.0 daily 2022-06-25
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