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Results (100 - 102 of 14000)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14950 fixed M4: Orion Burger: Demo should not show money in the inventory dreammaster antoniou79

This is from a local build (release mode, Mingw-w64) on Windows, from current master HEAD (2.9git).

On ScummVM, the demo begins with Wilbur having "money" in his inventory. When clicking the "eye" icon on the money, ScummVM throws an error (on the debugger console): ERROR: get_file - getting 999w201.raw!

When playing the same demo with DosBox, the "money" are not in Wilbur's inventory, so this might be why the demo can't play the "look at" line for them.

#14949 fixed M4: Orion Burger: Demo is missing interaction with the kibble in the middle floor of the gerbil cage dreammaster antoniou79

This is from a local build (release mode, Mingw-w64) on Windows, from current master HEAD (2.9git).

On the middle floor of the gerbil cage, there's some kibble on the floor but it's not a hotspot when playing with ScummVM.

When playing via DosBox, the kibble is a hotspot (but without a label). Wilbur can walk on it (or attempt to pick it up, or use it) which results in an animation where he's tripping on the kibble, falls, gets up and then comments on how it's dangerous walking around with kibble on the floor (he does not pick up the kibble in this screen).

(Testing with DosBox) this hotspot may sometimes produce only a "huh?" response, which seems connected to whether Wilbur is already standing on the kibble, eg. right after the fall animation has played.

#14948 fixed M4: Orion Burger: Demo crashes when using the Kibble to eat them dreammaster antoniou79

This is from a local build (release mode, Mingw-w64) on Windows, from current master HEAD (2.9git).

If I click the USE icon on the Kibble, the protagonist starts saying a cue line but then ScummVM crashes (to debugger console) with the error message:

get_file - getting 999_004.raw!
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