Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7140 SCI: QFG3 - Incorrect Keyboard Movement new pathfinding defect normal
#7155 SCI: Differences in the pathfinding algorithm new pathfinding has-pull-request defect normal
#9589 SCI: SQ6: Pathfinding failure allows clipping through scenery new sci32, pathfinding defect normal
#9749 SCI: SQ6: Shuttle Bay Entrance bug new sci32, pathfinding defect normal
#9787 SCI: KQ7: Rosella walks through walls new sci32, pathfinding defect normal
#9818 SCI: Torin: ASTHENIA path finding issues new sci32, pathfinding defect normal
#11344 BLADERUNNER: In Act 4 police officers may run to flee waypoints and clip into scenery new flee, waypoint, pathfinding defect normal
#13366 SCUMM: Loom (EGA) - Path finding or overlay issue at Dragon's caves pending pathfinding, overlay athrxx defect normal
#13804 SCI: LSL6: Larry can walk out of bounds in locker room new pathfinding defect normal
#14443 SCUMM: Loom (EGA - Original bug): Bobbin (as Bobbin) can enter the Forge gate before it's closed and glitches with the background new Forge, Blacksmiths, pathfinding feature request normal
#9852 SCI: PQ4: Repeated speech outside of morgue new sci32, pathfinding defect low
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