Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12044 MOHAWK: Myst ME: Wrong map colors in the GOG Polish version new Myst bitmap tag2015 defect normal
#11913 MOHAWK: MYST: Include the Rime Age from the PSP port of Myst new Rime Age, Myst Rime feature request normal
#13169 MYST3: missing scene transition effect on PowerPC (big-endian) machines on all OSes new big endian, BE, Myst3, AmigaOS defect normal
#13641 BACKENDS: Wii - MYST3: NEW GAME CRASHES new Myst, Wii, Sprint, Myst 3 defect normal
#14407 3DS: make use of linear heap to make resource-intensive games playable new 3ds nintendo stream memory texture tinygl freescape grim myst3 stark tetraedge wintermute feature request normal
#15158 MYST3: Spider Spinner animation does not reset correctly new Myst3 defect normal
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.