Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#10867 GLK: ZCODE: Beyond Zork graphics font gets downscaled, losing detail new defect normal
#11517 GLK: ZCode - Layout errors in Z8 Anchorhead new defect normal
#11518 GLK: ZCode - status line has no left margin new dreammaster defect normal
#11521 GLK: ZCode - loses scrollback from time to time new defect normal
#11980 GLK: engine does not support Russian keyboard layout new defect normal
#12493 GLK: ZCODE: Misrendered menu in Unforgotten new defect normal
#15116 GLK ZCODE: Shogun fails to launch new defect normal
#15117 GLK ZCODE: iOS ScummVM crashes when launching Shogun new defect normal
#15361 MD5: GLK: Unknown game (?) new defect normal
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