Release blockers (1 match)

This list of blockers was generated by searching for crashes, hangs, and known memory bugs across all open bug reports.

If you are a developer, please take ownership of any bugs that you are graciously willing to at least review. You may ignore any bugs that already have an owner listed.

Not all bugs here must to be fixed in order to be removed from the release blocking list. Some of these bugs may require larger architectural changes which are not feasible, so they just need reviewing by someone that can take some step toward resolving the bug, whether that is debugging to find the root cause, coming up with a concrete plan, or just re-verifying that the bug actually exists. If you own a bug that can’t be fixed by the next release just reset its priority to High.


Show under each result:

Ticket Owner Component Game Summary Keywords Created Modified
#14987 Engine: Grim Grim Fandango GRIM: Manny gets frozen after opening the security door Grim Fandango - Italian - CD 3 months 8 weeks
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.