Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#12074 TWINE: rendering of the holomap is broken pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
#14669 TWINE: Multiple track issues pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15384 TWINE: LBA: Dark museum has side-effects on the same session pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15400 TWINE: LBA - Using the Holomap while Twinsen is walking may cause glitch pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15408 TWINE: the W key was supposed to only do Action on Normal pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
#15410 TWINE: Little big adventure no menu music and a crash pending defect normal Engine: TwinE
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.