Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#11496 VOYEUR: lock screen doesn't show last play time new lock screen play time defect normal
#12925 AGS: Time Gentlemen, Please visual differences with standalone version in early game new rain, screen shake, differences defect normal
#13200 Separate Full Screen setting for GUI and Games new Full Screen feature request normal
#13201 Option to make save/load screen conform to the screen size of the active game while in fullscreen mode new save load screen feature request normal
#13216 WEB: "Other" screenshots page is broken new screenshots defect normal
#13240 Improvement of subtitle visualization. new Subtitle, visualization, small screens, option feature request normal
#13241 GUI: Interface requires improvements for small resolutions. new Interface, small screens, blurred letters, abbreviation, language, error, adaptation, scroll bar defect normal
#13355 Options for "Capture mouse" and "Screenshot Path" in GUI new Screenshots, Mouse, Mouse Capture, Paths, GUI, Options, Settings feature request normal
#13767 GRAPHICS: OpenGL screenshots not capturing latest frame if no input new screenshots,opengl defect normal
#14530 BACKENDS: SDL2: Regression with software mode new window/fullscreen switch, launcher, SDL2 , regression defect normal
#15395 TWINE: Shading Palette loss of colours?! new palette, screen, shade-table defect normal
#15396 TWINE: Menu Plasma loss of quality new palette, screen defect normal
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