Custom Query (10 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#15656 MIDI: Add support for Nuked SC-55 new midi, roland feature request high
#11360 SCUMM: MI (Sega MegaCD) - scrolling should be smooth (also a special cursor while loading data) new monkey island, scrolling, cursor, segacd, mi1 defect normal
#13187 AGS: Lancelot's Hangover (and others?) - Purple/magenta sprite color appears transparent new Steam, Lancelot's Hangover defect normal
#13239 ScummVM Classic Theme: Translation into other languages. new Classic theme, translation, languages, update feature request normal
#13241 GUI: Interface requires improvements for small resolutions. new Interface, small screens, blurred letters, abbreviation, language, error, adaptation, scroll bar defect normal
#13659 AGS: Default "Game language" option in ScummVM does not override .cfg file new ags, language defect normal
#14371 CLOUD: Server's IP interface is sometimes from a virtual adapter new LAN, IP interface defect normal
#14422 ANDROID: Support more virtual keyboard language layouts new Language, Keyboard, Layout, Virtual Keyboard feature request normal
#14910 SCI: QFG4: Incorrect Dialogue when Giving Rusalka Flowers (w/Ashlancer Patch) new Rusalka, flowers, dialogue, Ashlancer patch defect normal
#15638 SCUMM: Monkey Island 1 and Passport to Adventure demo for DOS both don't honor overridden volume settings for Adlib new adlib scumm monkey island mi1 ega vga passport dos defect normal
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