Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Component
#9827 VOYEUR: mouse behaviour different to the original mouse behaviour dreammaster defect closed low Engine: Voyeur
#6593 VOYEUR: Actor names are jumping in the intro dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#6667 VOYEUR: Pan-out video played twice when loading from launcher dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#6668 VOYEUR: Mouse cursor hidden after loading a savegame dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#6669 VOYEUR: assert error when clicking on a window dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#9826 VOYEUR: black screen after selecting a window if a still image is to be shown dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#10061 VOYEUR: crash if you play certain recorded audio scenes at the VCR dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
#10062 VOYEUR: note Reed to Chantal about Jessica agreed too early dreammaster defect closed normal Engine: Voyeur
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.