Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#13153 SCI: Games begin lagging either at launch or after moving about outside of window new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13165 SCI: QFG1-JP crash on long messages with Japanese subtitles new defect normal Engine: SCI
#13767 GRAPHICS: OpenGL screenshots not capturing latest frame if no input new defect normal Graphics
#15642 SCI: QFG1EGA: Fairy Music Kicks Out on Bringing Up ScummVM Save/Restore Screen new defect normal Engine: SCI
#15685 Feature request for Quest for Glory I and II? new feature request normal Engine: SCI
#15736 SCI: QFG1 EGA: Obscure Freeze in Brigand Fortress Entrance new defect normal Engine: SCI
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.