Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Component
#4480 SAGA: ITE - Graphics glitches in rat cave new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#4687 SAGA: ITE - Jail bug after speaking to Shiala new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#5745 SAGA: ITE (Floppy) - Audio loops and game stops responding new sev- defect normal Engine: SAGA
#7597 ITE: Add support for Inherit the Earth OS X bundle new sev- feature request normal Engine: SAGA
#13893 SAGA: ITE - Bird animation bug outside Dog Castle if you load save at that location. new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#14322 SAGA: ITE - FLAC compressed music does not play new defect normal Engine: SAGA
#15031 SAGA: ITE - ScummVM 2.8.0 won't load compressed "Inherit the Earth Voices.cmp" created by compress_saga new defect normal Engine: SAGA
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