Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14314 ULTIMA8: Stacked sorcery reagents do not display number new reagents, number feature request low
#15138 AGI: LSL1: Error in the Age Quiz at the Beginning of the Game new lsl1, age quiz defect low
#11913 MOHAWK: MYST: Include the Rime Age from the PSP port of Myst new Rime Age, Myst Rime feature request normal
#13239 ScummVM Classic Theme: Translation into other languages. new Classic theme, translation, languages, update feature request normal
#13241 GUI: Interface requires improvements for small resolutions. new Interface, small screens, blurred letters, abbreviation, language, error, adaptation, scroll bar defect normal
#13659 AGS: Default "Game language" option in ScummVM does not override .cfg file new ags, language defect normal
#14380 WEB: Adding SEO to pages new seo,pages feature request normal
#14422 ANDROID: Support more virtual keyboard language layouts new Language, Keyboard, Layout, Virtual Keyboard feature request normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.