Custom Query (15 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#13092 GRIM: Keybord shortcut 'A' for help not working (French version) new menu help defect low
#13140 GRIM: Grim Fandango, year 3 chain foreground new grim, foreground, model, 2.5.0 defect low
#14018 AGS: Blackwell Legacy (old version & demo) issues new blackwell1 defect low
#14811 SCI: CAMELOT: Guards Use Wrong Text Box at Jaffa Gate new Camelot, guard, Yasser, Jaffa Gate defect low
#11715 AUDIO: Games crash on launch with FluidSynth and no soundfont new soundfont, FluidSynth, crash, Loom, Beneath a Steel Sky defect normal
#13134 TWINE: LBA1 Credits screen in high resolution mode shows hidden character models to the side new credits, hidden models defect normal
#13139 GRIM: Grim Fandango - model glitch year 3 new grim, model, year 3, 2.5.0 defect normal
#13187 AGS: Lancelot's Hangover (and others?) - Purple/magenta sprite color appears transparent new Steam, Lancelot's Hangover defect normal
#14000 Add Build for Windows on ARM64 new Windows ARM Release feature request normal
#14825 SCI: CAMELOT: Don't Lose Points for Letting Galahad Die new Camelot, Galahad, Catacombs, score defect normal
#14844 SCI: CAMELOT: Loading in Fatima's house disrupts the music new Camelot, Fatima, music defect normal
#14890 ANDROID: Monkey Island 3 doesn't work anymore new SAF, Help, 2.8.0 defect normal
#14958 ULTIMA6: Move Item command doesn't prompt to split an item stack new ultima, crash, ultima 6, ultima VI, spells, GOG defect normal
#15139 Implement engine for Media Station, Inc. games new engine engine-skeleton unknown-game feature request normal
#15169 The game in 'quijote' seems to be an unknown game variant. engine: director-win-fallback new El Quijote Interactivo defect normal
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