Custom Query (6 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Version
#7331 MIDI: Percussive Organ pitch correction with GM output new feature request normal
#7420 MT-32: Write "Memory Timbres" names to LCD new feature request normal
#11182 GUI Dialog for missing Roland MT-32 support new feature request normal
#12071 SCI: KQ4 SCI version 1.000.111 - MT-32 plays back some improper instruments new defect normal
#13014 SCUMM: Monkey Island EGA: MT32 episode presentation music loops where it shouldn't new defect normal
#15014 "MT32Emu: Init Error - Missing PCM ROM image" when present but CM32L_CONTROL.ROM is present but CM32L_PCM.ROM is missing new defect normal
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