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Results (79 - 81 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#4389 Kirben salty-horse fixed DETECTOR: Atlantis CD sets wrong gui options

Using latest r42333.

When detecting the Fate of Atlantis CD version, the game options that are set to it are those of the floppy version: sndNoSpeech. It should have no restrictions.

Here's what I discovered:

The detected MD5Table struct entry for the game has "CD" in the "extra" field (which scumm-md5.txt calls the "Description" field). According to the comment in scumm-md5.txt, that field is used to distinguish between variants.

The game has two variants:

{"atlantis", 0, 0, GID_INDY4, 5, 0, MDT_ADLIB | MDT_MIDI, 0, UNK, GUIO_NOSPEECH}, {"atlantis", "CD" , 0, GID_INDY4, 5, 0, MDT_ADLIB | MDT_MIDI, 0, UNK, GUIO_NONE},

The distinguishing data between the two is the "variant" field of the GameSettings struct. The comment in engines/scumm/detection.h says 'it matches the "extra" data in scumm-md5.txt'.

The computeGameSettingsFromMD5() function, which should select the correct variant entry for the game, completely ignores MD5Entry's "extra" field.

It *does* compare MD5Entry's "variant" field with the "variant" field of GameSettings, but since the "variant" field of all md5 entries for atlantis is "", it will always select the first variant, which is the floppy version of the game.

Perhaps the "extra" information needs to be compared against too, now that ScummVM cares about features such as speech availability. Another alternative is to merge that extra information into the "variant" field.

In any case, the field descriptions in scumm-md5.txt should match the "generated" struct field names.

Ticket imported from: #2819628. Ticket imported from: bugs/4389.

#4406 wjp criezy fixed SAM: crash at the end of credits sequence

Sam & Max crashes at the end of the credits sequence (when the game really starts). This is the french macintosh CD version. I get the debugger with the following error: ERROR: (7:66:0x17): Cannot read resource!

This looked a lot like a corrupted data file, therefore I recopied the file twice from the original CD with the same result. Also the games works fine with ScummVM 0.13.1 with the same data file and the same settings.

Ticket imported from: #2820957. Ticket imported from: bugs/4406.

#4432 Kirben SF/escarlate fixed GUI: unable to select subtitles and speech for Simon 2

I couldn't select both subtitles and speech for Simon The Sorcerer 2 (CD/DOS/English) using the GUI, the option is greyed out with speech only enabled. I was able to turn on the subtitles by editing the scummvm.ini, so the game has audio and subs at the same time.

Tested with the July 18, 2009 Windows build, on a Windows XP SP2 machine.

Ticket imported from: #2823818. Ticket imported from: bugs/4432.

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