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Results (55 - 57 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#3393 agent-q SF/onnojongbloed fixed GOB3: Data file fails to open, lockup

Original thread on the forums:

Version: 0.10.0a, build: DS #D

Issue: ScummVM locks up after the initial Coktel movie/sting.

Cause: IMD.ITK fails to be loaded, causes error() to be called which halts the application.

Method of Reproduction: Hardware was a Nintendo DS classic with an M3 Adapter (v30 firmware, latest) and a 1gb kingston flashcard. The game is the CD version. DLDI driver came from <a href="">here</a> and is the one by AgentQ.

Possible cause: DataIO::file_open() fails, because open on the file handle fails, all the way down to FAT_fopen failing in ::std_fopen. Is this a bug in the DLDI driver? Path passed to FAT_fopen was "GOB3//IMD.ITK".

Workaround: o2_openItk doesn't seem to mind when DataIO::openDataFile(const char *src, bool itk) fails. REplacing the error() call in that function by a return at least allowed me to resume the game into a playable state.

Worth noting: Other ITK files seem to load just fine for some reason.

Ticket imported from: #1787239. Ticket imported from: bugs/3393.

#3430 SF/chrilith SF/madmanguruman fixed PALMOS: not accepting ENTER properly

ScummVM 0.11.0svn playing LSL1 (DOS version)

The ENTER functionality seems to be broken - cannot start LSL1 (cannot enter age for age verification)

Noticed the following differences in the log file:

0.10.0: cancel.line <- seems to correspond to ENTER

0.11.0svn: event AC:12 occured <- seems to correspond to ENTER

Ticket imported from: #1811707. Ticket imported from: bugs/3430.

#3455 SF/knakos spookypeanut fixed WINCE: Save games have incorrect time & date

When saving and reloading games, the saved date and time are very wrong. For example, the saved game attached below (written with svn) from COMI claims it was written in the year 3888. Which it wasn't. This doesn't only happen in COMI: I've also noticed it in MI2 (tho i haven't tested that with svn, and usually with MI2 it claims they were written in 1900). If needed, I can test other games (if I have them).

Ticket imported from: #1834822. Ticket imported from: bugs/3455.

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