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Results (94 - 96 of 14000)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#827 Kirben Kirben duplicate MI2: Graphic glitches in Amiga version

There are several graphic glitches in the Amigas version of Monkey Island 2 (English version): 1. There is black area at top of copy protection screen, when numbers needs to entered. 2. The text during level selection and credits during title sequence look bold and wrong color. 3. The monkeys during the title sequence disappear for awhile 4. The fade effect in Voodoo Ladies place is in reverse, her area is lighted at start but turns dark when Guybrush enters so can't see.

I'm using latest ScummVM CVS under Windows XP.

Ticket imported from: #745264. Ticket imported from: bugs/827.

#855 SF/jamieson630 SF/chrilith invalid No music with monkeyvga on PalmOS


Don't know if this is a bug in the MIDI engine. But i haven't anymore music on monkeyvga with lastest CVS snapshot on PalmOS. It's was working on v0.4.1

Also in monkey island 2, there is no more sound on the copy portection screen when items are switching (which was also midi).

Thanks Chris

Ticket imported from: #750871. Ticket imported from: bugs/855.

#862 SF/ender Kirben fixed MANIAC/ZAK: Inventory is different to original

Latest ScummVM cvs version. English version of Zak McKracken (Enchanced) Compiled under mingw with GCC 3.2.3 and running under Windows XP.

The inventory arrows are blue and are centered between the inventory items in the original game. The up arrow is between top two inventory items and down arrow is between bottom two inventory items. A screenshot of the inventory from original game is attached.

Ticket imported from: #751659. Ticket imported from: bugs/862.

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